Camp T. Brady Saunders

Camp T. Brady SaundersWith a few days left to go for boy scout summer camp at Camp T. Brady Saunders, and the SansBug out of stock on Amazon, we were able to ship Joe a 1-person just in time for his son’s trip.  Here’s an email from him:

Thank you again for sending the SansBug mosquito net to me via FedEx.  It arrived on time, and we were able to practice with it – and watch the videos before going to camp. 

Setting it up in the platform tent at scout summer camp was very easy – and I was pleased to see that it wasn’t too large in the tent. The SansBug generated a lot of interest and envy with the other scouts!  I have included a picture of it on a cot in the tent.  It is a great product!

Thanks again – Joe